Artist Development

Hey there, I’m Jo Higginbotham, owner of Amethyst Music. I am passionate about making music. My goal is to make your music shine like never before.

Don’t let your talents stay hidden. Elevate your sound with our personalized artist development services. Beyond our core recording, mixing and mastering offerings, I personally extend a hand to budding artists, offering them comprehensive feedback, objective assessments, lyric analyses, melodic reviews, structural insights, and tailored advice to nurture their growth.

With a musical journey spanning years, I've successfully launched six albums and eight singles, totaling 53 original compositions. My artistry spans across diverse genres, including folk, country, bluegrass, blues, rock, and hip-hop. Additionally, I wield my words professionally through music reviews, many of which have their home in publications like HunnyPot Live.

To delve into some of my music reviews, simply click here. For a taste of my music, you can listen to a sample by clicking here. And if you're curious about my insights on “making it” in the music industry, click here to listen to an interview, where I share my experiences.

“Mega-shout out to Jo Higginbotham for not just…mixing and producing Ego Death, but for really bringing this whole release together…and I couldn't appreciate him more. If anyone is looking for a studio to record at or if you need any video editing, hit him up. He is beyond talented and will do a bang-up job.”

“A very special thanks…for helping me co-manage the band, and for all his help with planning this release, as well as mastering the track, and for staying up with me late…some nights just to make sure the work got done. He's a real one FRFR.”

-Diya Craft, Mutha-Falcon

Click here to read a press release for Ego Death.

Artist Development

Receive tailored guidance to refine your sound. Our artist development services deliver:

  • Individualized, one-on-one coaching sessions

  • 7-Point personalized song analysis and evaluation

  • Critical feedback

  • Actionable recommendations

Personalized and actionable guidance to inspire and advance your music!

  • Song Analysis and Evaluation

    Receive a detailed song analysis and written evaluation delivered via audio or video conferencing. Includes actionable recommendations to tailor and refine your song.


  • Artist Development Consultation

    Attend a 30-minute personalized artist development consultation delivered via audio or video conferencing.
