Album Review - Information Society, ODDfellows

Originally published in HUNNYPOTLIVE

Artist: Information Society; Album: ODDfellows; Release Date: August 6th, 2021.

Information Society’s new album, ODDfellows, is explosive from the start and carries a powerful energy throughout. Their first album in five years, ODDfellows reissues their previous singles, "Nothing Prevails", "Bennington", and "World Enough", along with several new songs that surely hold up on their own. This is a fun one, and there is plenty to love about this release.

"Extraordinary Popular Delusions" and "The Madness Of Crowds" kicks off the album with a choppy instrumental that has hints of their early work. The song pleasantly previews the healthy mix of old and new school ideas and techniques InSoc has developed in their sound over the decades. The next song, "Would You Like Me If I Played A Guitar", takes a turn for a more organized mix, while their 2019 drop, "World Enough", has a more laid back feel. This makes for a strong start to the album and aligns nicely with their roots as a group known for experimenting.

"Room 1904" is one of those tracks that has a clear retro influence, but feels equally like something right out of today and highlights their talent for giving their music its own unique personality. "Nothing Prevails" was released as a single in 2018, and it fits right in as the middle track. The song is pumped up and easily one of the best on the album. "Being Me" plays like a power ballad, and the music in this song is incredible. Their 2019 single, "Bennington", picks the energy back up, but still maintains a similar melancholy mood as did the previous song. Much of this feels like the meat of the album; the varying styles come together well and keep the songs from becoming stale.

"Down In Flames" takes off then immediately breaks into a tasty groove. It’s simple, but the production and sampling choices there may be some of my personal favorites on this album. "Grups" is a chill, slow burn with a worthy payoff. It’s engaging without doing too much; full of weight without being too heavy. Finally, "The Mymble’s Daughter", is an excellent track, and a perfect choice to close this one out. 

Altogether, ODDfellows is lively, dynamic, and has great replay value. This album is reminiscent of Information Society's storied synthpop roots, but highlights their continued evolution. At the same time, it is incomparable to their past work and stands entirely on its own. Whether you love electronic music or you just love a good vibe, do not sleep on this album.  It's definitely one that will race up the charts on August 6th!

Be well and keep rocking!  Hunnypot Approved!   Overall Rating: 8.6 out of 10

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